Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Auditions Round 2: Wednesday from 6pm-10pm, Taper Hall, USC

Hello Talent!

The second round of auditions will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, December 9th, from 6pm - 10pm at the same location, USC's Taper Hall. Room number 121. See link below and map above (Taper Hall in red circle).

Again, dress to impress - preferably in the Lola color palette - with a little hair and makeup. Look your best!

I strongly encourage everyone interested to try to make it out tomorrow. Taper Hall closes at 10 so that's the latest we will be there for (myself and the casting director).

Again, check the blog for updates before you head over.

Here are those links again:

http://christinehahnphoto.com/ (general look/feel of the ad... the photographer is a friend of mine)

http://lolamarcjacobs.com/ official website for the fragrance.
(Please don't show up not knowing what this is! Yes, it's happened with someone.)

Call if you need directions, can't find the room (it's the southern-most room in the hall, 1st floor), have styling questions, etc.

My number is 818-641-9117

Good luck, and thank you for your interest and enthusiasm!

Stay warm,

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