Friday, December 4, 2009

Email sent to talent

Hello Talent,

Good evening! I'm Vineet Sinha, the director of the Lola perfume spec ad.

Firstly, thank you for applying. Those on this mailing list have been spooled from a submission pool of over 400, an overwhelming response, and it took me a while to narrow it down to about 35. Congratulations!

Sunday, Dec 13th, 2009, from 4-9pm
Taper Hall, USC, Los Angeles, CA, 90089

Here what happens next:

1. If you are no longer interested, thank you for our time and I will take you off the mailing list. If you cannot make it on Sunday, please let me know. I will accommodate accordingly. Again, I really want all of you to audition: you're a handpicked bunch.

2. If you can make it, PLEASE CONFIRM! Send an email back with 'your name' followed by 'CONFIRMED SUNDAY 4pm' in the subject heading. So the email reads something like: "Jaine Fischer CONFIRMED SUNDAY 4pm". That's all. That way I can schedule you in. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!

3. How to look: Your best! This is a high fashion perfume ad. So look as stunning as you can, without being overdone. Please arrive in a solid, dignified, not too revealing dress. Something that works with Lola's color scheme. Acceptable colors are black, white, purple, deep blue, green, dark pink, magenta, etc. I'm guessing most here are fans of the perfume, and Marc Jacobs in general. If not have a look here:

4. Model/Actress: Some of you have extensive modelling experience. Others not so much. I would suggest looking at the website of my friend for a general feel of the product, mood, and look I'm going for:

5. Very Useful Link: I have started a blog that details what's going on with the ad:

THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT LINK HERE!!! I will post later tonight all relevant information here, including the USC map which details where we will be hosting audition on Sunday.

SUPER IMPORTANT: Do check it before you leave for USC on Sunday for last minute updates, if something comes up, I cannot call all of you!

Thanks all. I look forward to this audition.

Good luck,

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